ZMEC containerized house is a kind of modular house, consisting of light steel frame and thermal insulation materials. It is a new type of energy conservation and environment protection house which is easy and convenient to install. It is widely used in the construction sites, temporary residence, shower room, kitchen, teaching building, office, cold storage house, switch board room, and military camouflage house, etc.
Steel Structure Building
ZMEC can perfectly combine the traditional steel structure building with light steel building. This combination can used as multi-story hotel, department, office building etc. This kind of building has many advantages, such as large span, low demand of base structure, seismic and wind resistance, fast to build and easy to maintain and so on. It can be built on many special places such as mountain, beaches and land with bad condition.
b. 适用于墙体材料、防水材料、保温材料与装饰材料生产--- 石膏板、釉面砖、乳胶漆、PVC墙纸、改性沥青玻璃纤维
c. 适用于水泥和砖生产